Hamilton Fibre Market – Postponed until 2021

To Our Fibre Community, The Hamilton Fibre Market had the dubious honour of being one of the first fibre events that was forced to postpone / cancel our event as a result of the early days of COVID-19. We took an optimistic chance at rescheduling to May 31, but now it looks like the realityContinue reading “Hamilton Fibre Market – Postponed until 2021”

Hamilton Fibre Market – Postponed until May 31, 2020

To Our Fibre Community, This post is to inform you of the difficult decision we have made to postpone the Hamilton Fibre Market. In light of the rapidly changing COVID-19 global situation, we believe it is the socially responsible decision to make. The committee discussed and agonized over this decision at great length over the last two daysContinue reading “Hamilton Fibre Market – Postponed until May 31, 2020”

Attn Vendors

It has been a fantastic weekend! Now that both the Kitchener Knitter’s Fair and Hamilton’s Supercrawl have come to an end, we can put more focus on preparing for our March festival!Many of you have contacted us to ask about the application process and becoming a vendor. Our goal is to have applications available startingContinue reading “Attn Vendors”

Rack Cards Ready!

As of this morning, our market advertising has been sent to the printers! We are getting rack cards printed and they will be available at both SuperCrawl in Hamilton at Lickety Spit Farm‘s Booth, as well as with Stitch Noir at the Kitchener Knitter’s Fair this weekend. We love our little logo and are excitedContinue reading “Rack Cards Ready!”

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